Month: October 2018

Editing woes

As we go through beta-edits of The Parnassus Initiative, I find myself bogged down, struggling to push past the writer’s block I seem to find myself burdened with.

Being so close to the end of what has been a long journey, finding we need to go back and make some fairly significant edits is somewhat demoralising, even if they are things that make complete sense to change.

Regardless of the pain, it shows the importance of having someone other than yourself read over the story. Small things that had bothered us slightly since the start, but which we had no fixes for, have come back to the forefront. Except now we have someone else’s thoughts and opinions, giving us valuable comments and suggestions as to how we might fix the issues.

Throughout the editing process, I keep wanting to push forward onto new things. With my second novel, Incident at Arcturus, beginning to take shape and thoughts bouncing around for several other novels (including a sequel to The Parnassus Initiative), I do find myself exciting to keep writing.

Now to get back to editing this one!